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  • Ethiopia Goro Bedesa

Ethiopia Goro Bedesa

Excluding Sales Tax

Region: Goro Bedesa, Guji Zone

Farm: 100's of small holder farms

Elevation: 1950-2100 masl

Varietal: Ethiopia Heirloom

Process: Washed 

We Taste: Jasmine (and other delicate florals), Caramel, meyer lemon, crisp and clean, simple syrup. 

Size: 12oz/ 340G bag




It has been a while since we’ve had a shining washed Ethiopia (all the way back in 2021 with our Guji Sodu). Which means that we are STOKED to offer this beautiful washed Ethiopian!


The coffee from Goro Bedessa is a tasty and classic example of what we love about washed Ethiopian coffees! This coffee has a long floral note that shows up throughout the cup - jasmine or honeysuckle like. The dry aroma when ground is like a crisp citrus and a pink starburst! The aroma is bright and clean. We roast this coffee on the lightest end of our roasting spectrum and it absolutely sings. Star jasmine, caramelized fruits, rich honey, and more. There is a floral aspect to all of the fruited notes in this coffee - think kumquat, Meyer lemon, and what not. Since so much of our taste is rooted in smell, we like to describe this coffee as a sweet floral bouquet - a perfect coffee for the warming weather of spring.


This coffee comes from a group of small holder coffee farmers in the Goro Bedessa region - its a high altitude area where the top farms are at 2100 mall! This coffee is a collection of green coffee form about 100 different farmers with only a couple hundred trees on their land. The people in Goro Bedessa are known as the Guji Oromo - and they have a long standing history as coffee farmers. It’s worth noting the distinctions between this coffee and region, versus other prominent areas of Ethiopia (mainly Sidamo and Yirga Cheffe).These coffees from the south have a distinct flavor profile while maintaining the same lively aspects of Ethiopian coffee.


The washing station where this coffee was processed is run by Ismael Hassen from Kayon Mountain Coffee - Ismael and the team at KMC do a great job controlling quality and consistency.




  • We ship USPS Priority Mail - so expect to get your coffee 3-5 days after our most recent roasting day! 


    We offer a local pick-up option that is in Malibu at Pepperdine University. Please reach out if you think that may be an option for you!

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